Our Partners

Meet Our Partners

Since the inception of the Lebialem Highlands Forest Initiative (LHF) in 2001, the project had attracted a significant number of partners and friends sympathetic to its conservation cause. We are grateful to the following partners for their short and long-term support to our work.

Birdlife International (through Bamenda Highlands Forest Project)

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Forestry Department/ Conservation Division/ Government of Taiwa

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Manand Nature France

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Global Forest

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Government of Cameroon

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Global Environment Facility

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Rainforest Trust

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The Cross River Gorilla Project

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Trees for the Future

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French Embassy of Cameroon

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Taiwan Government

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Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds

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Fauna and Flora International

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The Waterloo Foundation

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New England Biolabs Foundation

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Ministry of Forestry and wildlife

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Ministry of Environment, Cameroon

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Thin Green Line Foundation

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Arcus Foundation

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The Net Positive Impact Project

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The Mane Foundation

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V.Mane Fils SA

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People's Trust for Endangered Species

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Safe The Frog

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